

Domestic violence includes psychological, verbal, physical, sexual and economic abuse. This is a binding behavior where a person exercises control over another person in order to dominate her and achieve its goals, so assert its power on it.


  • Domestic violence is criminal...  

    Domestic violence is an abuse of power...  

    Domestic violence is a social problem that is unacceptable...  

    The woman is never responsible for violence...  

    Domestic violence can affect all socio-economic backgrounds, regardless of social status, age, education, profession, origin or religion


Verbal abuse

Includes insults, the derogatory remarks, the shrug of the tone, the screaming, etc. 

Emotional abuse

Includes control, accusations, threats, harassment, etc.  

Economic violence

Includes various tactics to control all or a substantial part of the financial resources of a person, his legacy or his income. It could be, among other things, to prevent a person to have access to its financial records, income and debts, or to prevent a partner to accept a job.  

Social violence

At the individual level, it is to isolate the wife of its social network. On the collective level, it is based on the fact to prejudice the social image of the person in the humiliating in front of people.

Sexual abuse

It represents all forms of sexual activities not granted imposed on the victim ranging from harassment, ranging from the smallest gestures disturb...

Physical violence

The most obvious kind. Throwing and breaking things with the aim of hurting or scarring someone. Pushing, hitting, kicking, slapping, forcible physical restraint against her will, shaking, threatening with a weapon, kill.

Spiritual violence

Destruction of your cultural or religious beliefs, mocking or reducing your beliefs. Forcing you into practical beliefs that aren’t yours.


The cycle of violence brought the four phases by which the acts of violence continue.  

These phases allow to understand the vicious circle of violence and to identify the behavior of the partner at each stage of the cycle and the consequences for the victims.

The cycle of violence is more easily identifiable when there is physical violence in the relationship, it also applies to other forms of violence, either verbal, psychological, sexual, spiritual, social or economic.  

The intensity of the cycle during the life of a couple and one couple to another, however it does the trick more and faster and adding forms of violence.   

First phase: The tension

Voltage the aggressor has an excess of anger, poses heavy silences, bullying and threatening glances. The victim lives of anxiety and attention to its facts and gesture knowing what will happen.

The second phase: The crisis

The abuser violent the other (psychologically, verbally, sexually, economically, physically). The victim feels humiliated, sad, angry and feeling of shame.   

The third phase: The justification

The aggressor find excuses to justify his behavior. The reasons are external to him. The tent victim to understand, help to change, doubt itself, feels responsible.  

The fourth phase: The honeymoon


The perpetrator asks for forgiveness, talk therapy, gives gifts, and promises to change. The victim gives him a chance, helps him, believes in its efforts, change its attitudes.     

And then the tension will return...


The violence that women endure on the course of months and years leave traces that go way beyond physical scars.

This violence causes various symptoms that women do not necessarily relate to what there partner makes them endure.

The list below less then completed, demonstrate principal effects of domestic violence.

Psychological effects

  • Feeling of shame, guilt and powerless
    Loss of self-confidence and self-esteem
    Overwhelming feeling of doubt on the comprehension of one’s life
    Fear, hypervigilance always on alert mode
    Suicidal thoughts

Physical effects

  • Tired
    Trouble sleeping
    Headaches, backaches
    Loss of appetite and digestive problems
    Alcohol, drugs, prescribed medicine consumption


Social effects

  • Isolation with family, friends, favorite pass time activities


If a woman in your life confides you that she is victim of one or several forms of violence, you should believe her in the first place and listen attentively by validating his remarks and, without judgmental.

During your conversation, give her the following messages:

  • She is not the cause of this violence, so she is not to blame.

    It is impossible to modify or to change the violent behaviour of his or her partner;

    Excuses and promises will not stop the violence;  

    Violence is not a loss of control, but a takeover on the other;  

    The assault on the partner is a criminal act;   

    Tell her that she is not alone in this situation and that violence is never excusable nor acceptable.

Remember that the safety of women and children is the first thing to think about. For this purpose, help provide security for her and her children.   

You can also provide a list of organizations that serve abused women (see the list of members in your area houses) and discuss the choices that are available to it.

  • Find ways to stay in touch with her.

    You can also establish a code or a sign that she can use in an emergency;  

    At all times, respect her choice and give her time to make decisions;  

    Offer your services, for example for her children, drive home a lawyer, make an appointment with a Counsellor in violence, etc.   

Abused women need our support and encouragement. However, some Councils are to be avoided, such as:

  • Tell her what to do, when leave or not to leave;  

    Tell her to return with his partner and try harder;  

    Tell her to stay with her husband for the sake of his children;  

    Offer to talk to his partner to try to fix things.


A protection scenario, in a domestic violence context, help you to plan ahead what to do to insure your security. Here some instructions to follow to ready yourself in different situations.

If you think that your partner or your ex-partner might become violent, there many things you can do in advance.

(Prepare yourself to leave)
Be prepared to leave by adopting the following measures:

1. Keep a suitcase, a box or a bag where you can easily and rapidly have access. As far as possible, you should place the following object:

  • A duplicate key of the apartment or the house as well as one for the car,
    Cash, in small cut and in change, so you could take a cab or make phone call.
    Identity document: passport, S.I.N. card, birth certificate (yours and the children’s), immigration file, citizenship card, Native status card.
    Your driving licence and a proof of registry.
    Your health card and the children’s card
    Your bankbook, your cheques, credit card and the document regarding the mortgage or other banking loan
    Your lease agreement, your ownership title, your partnership agreement or business one, your lease payment receipt or the mortgage one.
    Your address book
    A picture of your partner or your ex-partner to help people identify him.
    A list of other things you could pick up later

2. Make sure your handbags, your wallet, your ID, your keys and other emergency articles are in a place you can easily and quickly have access (and a place you are the only one aware of, in case you have to leave quickly).

3. Open another separate bank account, in your name, and make sure the statement or posted to another address (a friend or a family member), this way your partner would not see them.

4. Know how much money is in your joining account in case you have to withdraw half of it rapidly.

5. You could help the kid to escape if you indicated them a meeting spot. Teach them the local police office number or told them to dial 9-1-1 in case of an emergency (accident, assault and battery regarding to them or yourself or if they think they are in danger).

6. Review your protection plan regularly.

Take action. Get ready.